Why air conditioning stops working?

The air conditioning is essential to get good weather and heat and to beat the heat in the vehicle is necessary to be in a good condition.

Having a good temperature in the vehicle is an important aspect to consider, and to feel heat can carry risks such as dizziness, sleep ...

El car air conditioning does not cool. Often stop working when we need it. There are many causes that may stop working air conditioning.

Some of them can be solved by cleaning the mechanism but others pose a more serious problem that makes it necessary to visit a workshop.

Here we leave some of the most common causes:

Filters. The filters can become stuck due to the accumulation of society, so it is necessary a good cleaning.

No load. It may also happen that there is a gas leak usually caudo by the use of air conditioning itself. It is necessary to locate the leak and reload the gas.

Compressor. This is a key pueza in the system, so you always have to be right conditions. If a small vibration hear the compressor is faulty and needs to go to a workshop.

It is necessary to keep up to date periodic maintenance of air conditioning in your car, so you do not stop working at the wrong time.
