Stress, before a jam How to avoid it?
We help you avoid stress, when faced with a traffic jam.
Vacation departures arrive and this leads to traffic jams. Reaching our destination can become an odyssey. In today's blog post we explain how to avoid the frustration that traffic can generate.
Get out early. It is best to get up early and leave with enough time, in this way we make sure we have more time when arriving at our destination, be it work, taking the children to school ...
Avoid routes with more traffic.
Speed. Going faster does not always guarantee that we arrive earlier. It is best to accelerate little by little and not change lanes.
Avoid double queuing. Avoid double parking, it's the biggest contributor to traffic jams.
Entertaining trips. If you travel with children, the most common is that they are restless, in this case and so that they do not cause more stress, it is best to keep them entertained, as far as possible.
If, despite all these tips, you cannot avoid stress, the most important thing is to steel yourself.