Reduce pollution. You can do something?

A particular level aoprtar we can all do our bit to reduce air pollution in cities.

The first step is to be aware that there is a worrying level of pollution in specific cities.

  1. Use the public transport; if you can avoid the car.
  2. Use bicycle or walk; any displacement of between 1 and 3 km walking can be done between 10 minutes and half an hour.
  3. If you have to use the car, the best option is compartirlo with others having a similar fate.
  4. And finally do not forget that you can drive Tamien greatly reduce emissions: traveling at a moderate speed, without great accelerations; shuts off the engine if you're going to stop over 2 minutes, seeks to expedite the movement to the extent possible, avoid constantly changing lanes if not necessary

Quizás el punto 4 nos sorprenda, pero en realidad nuestro comportamiento en el tráfico es un granito que suma con el de los demás conductores.

Y recuerda que siempre podemos hacer algo para reducir la contaminación
