Driving a car ... on behalf of someone else?

Driving a car on behalf of someone else, certainly more than once you've wondered if you can.

The situations may be different. What cases are covered by insurance in a car on behalf of someone else?

By law the indispensable vehicle to drive a certain requirement is to have a driving license in order. Another thing is that in case of an accident, insurance cubrea or not the person.

The driver is not listed in the insurance policy can be covered in case of accident, if any of the following occur:

Having the same age or higher than the person who is discharged under the policy as a driver habitual.Que have more years of license habitual.Que the driver has at least two years of license.

What if my children pick up the car?

For the children, things change. First, children who can drive your car to be considered as occasional drivers and as such should be established in the insurance policy.
