A pregnant can lead What precautions should I take?

Pregnancy is a time of many great changes in the woman's body, and in your mood. If everything goes smoothly, it is a very happy time full of changes and discoveries ...

But really pregnant can lead ...

First, you can drive while pregnant, unless there is a medical reason to prevent it. Whenever the mother is comfortable, can make the necessary movements without difficulty and whenever you want, you can drive.

It is not recommended to do so in the third quarter, although it is more precautionary average as a general rule, a pregnant can drive.

Using the belt for pregnant

Perhaps the biggest concern regarding driving and pregnancy is the use of seat belts. This device can be uncomfortable in normal conditions, and this discomfort can result in incorrect placement thereof itself so dangerous in case of collision.

And it is that the seat belt is not dangerous for pregnant, rather the opposite because what protects the mother protects the baby, whenever we placed and well adjusted tapes.

Well to place the seat belt, the pelvic band is to be placed on the English and under the belly, while the upper band should pass between the two breasts. Avoid the most common errors as the upper band pass behind the back or under the arm or sit atop the lower band.

To help correct positioning of the belt, there are solutions on the market that include maintaining the lower belt webbing below the belly through, for example, straps (must always make sure that is approved).

So while there is no medical reason and no discomfort occur, you can drive pregnant without problem.

we must always take into account the adjustment of the seat, which must be reviewed with the passage of given the increase (logical) volume body time to adjust your belt, not turn off the airbag.
